The Qualities that make a best friend

      Best Friends are your brothers and sisters in heart, but partners in crime. They are one of the reasons that makes us alive and happy. This relationship takes a long time to have, to feel, and to understand. 

      For me, there are qualities that make a best friend. First quality of a best friend is being a listener.  When you have a problen, your best friend will always listen to it and gives you her dramatic advice. Trustworthy, there are times that you need someone to tell your secrets and that person is your best friend. Forgiving, sometimes you and your friend may have misunderstanding. In the end, you must forgive each other. And honest. Both of you must be honest to each other. Being honest isn’t that hard. We need to be honest not only to our best friends but also to other people. 

      Having friendship is not a crime. No one told you to be with, there’s no legal contract or what ever bounds you, but your hearts. Take care of your best friend. 

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