Do you believe in love at first sight?

       Love at first sight, this is what people call for their intense feeling of attraction and/or lust to a certain person. This happens when they see the person and their heart just began to beat faster and they feel the feeling of love which is isn’t really love.

       Not being a bitter, but I don’t believe in love at first sight. As far as I heard the experience of different people, true love/love takes time. Love is not just all about being together with someone, giving chocolates, celebrating 14th of February, and flirting. Love is more focused on understanding and being one with your partner, not necessarily your married but the important thing is both of you feel and understand each other. Time, sacrifice, trustworthy, loyalty, patience, forgiveness, and honesty are some of the ingredients that makes love

       Infatuation is a right. No one can restrict you from liking someone. But among teens, we have been mistaken about the difference of love and  infatuation. But anyway, these are all my opinion. This love at first sight depends its definition on how the person see and feel it. That will be all. 

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