Five things I would like to do on my next birthday 🎂

      This is the day we celebrate our existence on Earth. The day that our family and friends are here with us to celebrate it. Birthdays are one of the most important events that a person celebrates, whether it is grand or just simple. It’s not all about the delicious foods that we serve, gifts that we receive or give, but it’s all about you. 

      Now, I’m going to tell you the five things that I would like to do on my next birthday. First, I would like to have a free from stress day. Of course, its my day so I don’t have a plan to stress myself. Second, I would like to have celebration either simple or whatever. Last year’s birthday was not really doing well, so I like to have a better day on that day. Third, I would like that my friends greet me. Its heart warming when someone greeted you on your birthday day… Fourth, I would like that my family is complete on the day I celebrate my existence.Family is the one who witnessed you growing up and I want them also to see and be present as I turn another page in my book. And Lastly, I just want to be happy and live longer. I don’t really need to have a grand celebration. I just want that my family, relatives, and friends notice me because its my day and also their day. They are already a part of me. And I don’t want that a piece will be missing.

      Wishing for something on your birthday is not bad. For me its good because you have a goal, you have something to work hard with, than just sitting, staring at the wall, and waiting for the day to pass and do the same the next day… That will be all. Happy Birthday.🎂

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