My Uniqueness…

        I may not be perfect, but I’m uniquely created. I am Mark Vincent Magcamit, and I’m me. There are so much things that makes me unique. Literally in appearance and figuratively in emotions. I believe that I’m unique my way. My smile, laugh, talents, and life style. I feel unique when I sing, dance, draw, or whatever I might thought of. I love to have positive interactions with others. I like having funny conversations. I am a forgiving person. I cannot sleep whenever theres someone that I’m angry with and don’t forgive them. When I forgive, I Eventually forget what that person did.o I feel and believe that I am unique when I’m doing the things I love, because it reflects who am I. I seldomly compare myself to others, but I found it bad for me, because comparing myself to others, lessens my self confidence. I believe others have also unique features in them. They have their own way of living. For me being unique, is to be who you are, is to be what you are, and what you wanted to be. 

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